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Image by Mohamed Nohassi

Energy Sessions

Imagine feeling free, fully alive and activated toward your highest potential.  Holistic health is the art and science of healing that addresses the mind, body and spirit. As an experienced practitioner in the Seattle area, I integrate a range of intuitive energy modalities to help you remove trauma, childhood wounds, blocks, programs, and unconscious belief systems that no longer serve your highest good.  In-person sessions are preferred, but sessions can be done over the phone as well.  All sessions are confidential and offered in the spirit of love and goodwill.



Available in person on Fridays and some Weekends

Intuitive Energy Healing: Welcome


Everything is energy. I use tools and training in Spiritual Response Therapy, Multi-Dimensional Self Trauma Release, embodiment work, Constellation therapy, and heart-centered hypnotherapy--in combination with intuition--to help you to clear your mind, body, emotions, and spirit.  Imagine being free of old patterns and belief systems that have been holding you back--similar to removing bugs and upgrading the software programs on your hard-drive in order to work with a better version of yourself.  Sessions take into account the whole person, incorporating each person's natural healing wisdom and following the guidance of your higher wisdom.

Chakra Balancing and Cord Cutting

An Ancient Science of balancing energy within you and clearing others' energies from your field

Spiritual Response Therapy

For clearing energy patterns within yourself and with others

Constellations Therapy

For feeling into your intuitive knowing


Utilizing the natural state of your mind to your own benefit

Multi-dimensional Self Trauma Release

To release those old skeletons

Relaxation and Embodiment

Getting back in our body for greater pleasure and power

Intuitive Energy Healing: Services
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