About Me
I am a full-time hospice nurse, mother of two amazing teenagers, fiance to a wonderful man, and owner/manager of a community household. I have a Master's Degree in Community Health and Nutrition from Cornell University and an Associates Degree in Nursing from the Lake Washington Institute of Technology. Before becoming a hospice nurse, I worked as a school nurse and maternity nurse--helping babies (and their families) transition into life. Now I work as a hospice nurse, helping people (and their families) transition out of life with grace and dignity. I haven't missed a day of work in over 3 years. I attribute my health and good fortune to the good work I am doing in the world, to regular grounding and energy clearing practices, to a supportive and loving community, and to my conscious, spiritual approach to most all that I do. I feel deeply loved and supported by Spirit, my friends, my partner, my teachers, and my children.
My healing journey started 15 years ago when I was having fertility issues. I stumbled upon hypnotherapy for fertility, and began to unravel some of my earlier childhood traumas that were preventing me from conceiving new life. Within 2 months of clearing subconscious patterns and beliefs, I became pregnant. I now have two amazing and vibrant daughters in my life who are taller than me. Early parenting was extremely challenging because I still had many insecurities and trauma to unpack while also caring for the needs of two small beings. I began to seek out resources and energy healers to help me clear the traumas (childhood, collective and ancestral) so that I could be a better mother and avoid passing down all of the programming to my beloved children. I began to raise my consciousness, to journey into deeper realms of myself, to receive extraordinary downloads, and to awaken to the guidance of my Higher Self. About 8 years ago, I ended a 15-year marriage. We ended the marriage consciously and lovingly (and even bought a duplex together after the divorce), but it was a wakeup call for me to look deeper within myself, to heal and integrate parts of myself I had been unaware of, and to actualize the life I truly desired and knew I deserved. It took me years of seeking, many tears, an insatiable desire for self-growth, the grace of loving and wise teachers, and the accumulation of many healing tools to come to the place where I feel truly healthy, balanced and effective in all areas of my life today. That doesn't mean that every day is easy. Some days are very stressful and challenging, but it means I have the resources, tools and confidence to feel empowered to handle what comes my way. It's my goal to empower others as well. Healthy boundaries, self-love, and embracing my intuitive guidance have been instrumental toward those goals.
While I am not religious, I have had many mystical experiences and synchronicities in my life which have led me to believe in something powerful (call it universal life force energy, radiant love, God, Creator, Source, or whatever you will). I pray often, love life, and love people from all walks of life and belief systems.
For fun, I enjoy ecstatic dancing, hosting parties, traveling with my partner and children, going for runs/walks, snuggling with my daughters and cat, playing the singing bowls, attending musical festivals, and spiritual retreats. I currently reside in the Seattle area, where I own a home with tall, tall trees overlooking the mountains and the Salish Sea.
Since I work full-time as a nurse Mondays through Thursdays (and don't plan to leave that work anytime soon), all sessions will have to be booked on Fridays and weekends.
Humbly, and with Love,